That was well put and I subscribe to that analogy completely. Nicely done.
it's been a while since the watchtower overlords made any serious doctrinal changes.
wts 'new light' seems to be somewhat cyclical, around every ten years or so.
it's been just over 10 years since the 1995 'this generation' change.
That was well put and I subscribe to that analogy completely. Nicely done.
have you ever seen a "ghost"?
if you did, were you scared, fascinated or straight to denial?.
if you did see one, were you a jw at the time and therefore did you believe it to be an apparition projected by the demons?
Well, I met George Gangas once in 1985, does that count?
for those of you not "keeping up with the organization"botchtower deals soley with all the bullshit instances of "increased light" on this joke of a religion god's organization.
it asks many drone-like thought-provoking questions as i've listed below.
incredible that these guys claim to be the sole ownership of what is absolute "truth", yet change doctrines like i change lipsticks.
1. What have God's people experienced as a result of increased spiritual light from the Jehovah?
2. What arrangment went into effect in 1919 and how was it beneficial?
Eskimo Pie invented. Everybody likes them.
3. In 1931, what resolution was adopted and how did that affect the Kingdom-proclamation work?
The name Jehovah's Nitwits adopted and later changed to "Witnesses".
4. In 1972 what arrangement was instituted and why was that an improvement?
The coffee table was put in the far corner and the lamp was placed more to the left. The results were stunning
5. What arrangement was implemented in 1976?
.The daisies were no longer allowed next to the geraniums and the baby's breath was done away with. The overall effect was resplendent.
What refinement was introduced in 1992 and why?
The Society had Kennedy shot and Franz was on the grassy knoll. Why, he was Catholic of course!
In the 1920s, how did Jehovah illuminate the path of his people doctrinally?
This was by means of several small strokes had by Freddie Franz. He keep the whole show going for years on that brain damage.
What doctrinal truths were clarified in the 1930s?
They learned that the great crowd is bigger than a little crowd. Also, the annointed are really, really special.
What increased light was shed in 1962?
Flouresent lights installed in Brooklyn Bethel, siezures ensue.
i know to expect a jw to think on their own is asking way too much............but............... but just...just per chance, say that they actually did & asked for " indisputable proof " of god's direction of the fds, governin' body...... .
........... what would the wacktower or asleep mags say was the proof ?.
One proof they claim is that they are the only ones who keep thier congregation clean by expelling thousands a year for being sinful humans just like thier loving Lord Jesus.
I thought it was supposed to be love that was the identifying mark?
The greatest miracle of all is that the WBTS is still sucking the life out of millions and they gratefully submit to it.
i have faded these past few months and as of lately the witnesses keep bugging me at least once a week.
..coming to my house ''sneak attacks'' i havent been home and also they have been leaving messages on my phone.i'm afraid they are gonna set up a meeting for me to come to the hall for an explanation.what should i do if that happens?
do i have to go if they call me in?
If you are fading quietly but were much loved by some, then they want to encourage you. If you are vocal and trashing the cong in some way, they are on an investigation. You know whether you are vocal or not. If you haven't done anything wrong and you are just fading, then tell them thanks but you'll see them at the meetings when you get there. Right now you are having some personal matters to sort out and you will let them know if they can help. Right now you're ok. Jehovah is actively leading you through your own personal study and you are not anxious because you know everything will work out. Your faith is still strong. Thanks, will talk later.... etc.
That should hold them off. Were you a Pioneer or some other invaluable member of the (cough, choke) congregation that they want to get you back?
I wish you success.
i'm sure that i am not alone on this one, here's my expierance mabye you can share yours.
years ago this sister from a congregation in our area was desprate for a hubby.
she went everywhere searching.
I just wanted to say that as more time passes I find the scales falling from my eyes and the Truth about the mindset of the "Truth" becomes more apparent. Honestly, I see it as one sick way of viewing the world. Its so negative and self absorbed. The whole myopic view of all things not Witnoid is ghastly. Thank goodness I'm out.
"You Can Live Forever, If You Believe What We Tell You This Week."
Volume II "You Can Live Forever, If You Ignore What We Told You Last Week."
song 5. note: congregations are not to move their service meeting for the week of january 2 to an earlier night unless the circuit overseer is visiting.
in every congregation, the convention insert should be considered on the service meeting as scheduled.
if there is a circuit assembly this week, book study overseers should announce the convention location and dates at their regularly scheduled book studies.
Song 5 All Cweation Pwaise Jehobah (to be sung like Elmer Fudd.)
Note: Congregations are not to move their Service Meeting for the week of January 2 to an earlier night unless the circuit overseer is visiting because he needs to know the best hotel possible. In every congregation, the convention insert should be considered on the Service Meeting as scheduled, otherwise we cannot control your sorry asses effectively. If there is a circuit assembly this week, book study overseers should announce the convention location and dates at their regularly scheduled book studies or else. A copy of the Recommended Lodging List should be made available by the Congregation Book Study overseer so he can forget to bring it to the meetings and those in attendance cannot write down the hotel phone numbers for making their reservations. However, copies of the list should not be made for publishers because its hilarious to watch the pathetic losers scribble hotel phone numbers all over the back of the Field Service Report slips.
5 min: Local announcements. Remember to remind publishers of memorable reminders they might need reminding about.
15 min: "Make Wise Use of Our Babel-Based Literature." * Include comments on the September 2002 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 1. paragraph 2, word 3; “of”. Spend all 14 minutes explaining the origin of the word and its significance in making wise use “of” our Babel-Based literature.
25 min: "2006 'Deliverance at Ham' Dip-stick Convention of Jehovah's Nitwit-nesses." * To be mishandled by the congregation secretary. After considering paragraph 1, read the December 15, 2005 convention assignment letter, you know, the one the P.O.’s wife has been reading to her friends over the phone for a week. Encourage all to make their convention estrangements as soon as plausible.
Song 48 Give Jehovah the Mayonnaise and concluding prayer.
* Limit introductory comments to less than a lifetime, and follow with a question-and-answer concussion.